After our summer visit at the Radio Island OH73ELK we discussed meeting each other, and we decided to meet in march 2019 at the WPX weekend. So here we go, on route to OH73ELK.

And like the summer it was great to be a OH73ELK. I met Alex and Raisa for the first time in person. It's is great when you have the opportunity to spent the weekend like we did. Having long talks on 1001 things, share music and off course enjoy the radio hobby. For Alex and Raisa it was the first time to join a contest, and they liked it!

We were working the radio in team together either single so the others could relaxed, enjoy the great food Raisa made or go out for a walk and get some fresh air ;-).

Thanks to the nice antenna's, hard work and a bit of luck we achieved our goal for the weekend, 1000 QSO's. Actually we made 1001 ;-).

Beside the regular well known contest stations we worked BD, JA, JT, V85, VK4 and PR (on 40m)